Home  Care Service

Home  Care Service:

The very word ‘home care’ signifies the active total care provided at home to the patients and their families, who cannot approach the hospital for their treatment. Home care service is provided free of cost to all the deserving patients. 

Objectives are: 

  • Offering comprehensive care to patients and their families  in their home environment
  • Enhancing the quality of life for both patients and their families
  • Encouraging team work by empowering the family in patient care
  • Supporting the family members of the patient to live bereavement following the death of the patient

The service is available to eligible patients residing within a 20km radius from the hospital. Various  minor procedures like ascitic tapping, urinary catheterization and bladder wash, wound debridement, nasogastric intubation, enemas and rectal evacuation, sponge bath, skin care, mouth care, bowel care, tracheostomy care, intravenous and subcutaneous infusions and injections, bedsore management, lymphoedema management etc. are done by the team at home.